Gabriele Tarquini è campione del FIA WTCR 2018 Il pilota di BRC Racing Team conquista il titolo  

TARQUINI Gabriele, (ita), Hyundai i30 N TCR team BRC Racing, portrait world champion during the 2018 FIA WTCR World Touring Car cup of Macau, Circuito da Guia, from november 15 to 18 – Photo Francois Flamand / DPPI

Dopo una stagione da protagonista del FIA World Touring Car Cup (WTCR)Gabriele Tarquini si aggiudica il titolo piloti 2018 e scrive, per primo, il proprio nome nell’albo d’oro della categoria.

Il successo arriva dopo un anno magistrale, iniziato con la vittoria nella gara inaugurale in Marocco a cui fanno seguito altre quattro vittorie durante la stagione, che assestano il pilota sempre al vertice della classifica.

Il meritato titolo giunge sull’insidioso Circuito da Guia nella gara di Macao, al termine di un week end adrenalinico, nel quale il portacolori di BRC Racing Team ha dovuto faticare oltremodo, anche per colpa di un incidente occorso nelle fasi di qualifica, che lo relega fuori dalla posizioni di vertice in Gara 2 e 3.

Dopo un bel quarto posto nella prima gara del week end, Gabriele Tarquini è addirittura costretto al ritiro nella seconda sfida. Nella terza e decisiva gara l’esperienza del pilota abruzzese fa la differenza, consentendogli di controllare il passo e di conquistare i punti necessari per la vittoria.

Gabriele Tarquini visto dalla matita dell’artista Marco Lacomba

L’ottimo lavoro del compagno di squadra Norbert Michelisz, con il terzo posto nell’ultima sfida della stagione, non solo sottrae punti preziosi ai rivali di Tarquini, ma permette di conquistare un altro podio per la squadra, che mantiene la seconda posizione nella classifica Team, ad una manciata di punti dal portare a casa entrambi i titoli.

Questo il commento a caldo del neo campione del mondo Gabriele Tarquini: “Che bella sensazione potermi dire campione del FIA WTCR! Le gare a Macao sono sempre imprevedibili, e questo weekend non ha fatto eccezione, ma fortunatamente è finito per me al top. E’ stata una stagione dura in un campionato molto competitivo, ed oggi è stata una ricompensa per tutto il lavoro dello staff tecnico del team. Il campionato è tanto mio quanto loro, a maggior ragione dopo gli sforzi di oggi per ripristinare l’auto per Gara 3”.

Dichiara Norbert Michelisz: “Innanzitutto, sono felice per Gabriele. E’ stato bravissimo durante tutta la stagione, ed è stato un grande weekend anche per il team. Sono molto contento di aver concluso il FIA WTCR sul podio di Gara 3. E’ il miglior modo di chiudere la stagione, mi motiva fortemente per i miei obiettivi per correre nel 2019 alla vigilia della pausa invernale”.

Cherasco, 18 Novembre 2018

Gara 1 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 10 giri
1 – Jean-Karl Vernay – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team 46:07.189
2 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +0.516
3 – Rob Huff – Sébastian Loeb Racing +0.881
4 – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team + 6.523
5 – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team + 8.488

6 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 9.297
7 – Pepe Oriola – Campos Racing + 9.923
8 – Timo Scheider – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 10.594
9 – Luigi Ferrara – Mulsanne Srl + 11.725
10 – Mato Homola –DG Sport Competition + 12.373

Gara 2 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 8 giri
1 – Frédéric Vervisch – Audi Sport team Comtoyou 20:30.967
2 – Timo Scheider – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 1.713
3 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +2.131
4 – Kevin Ceccon – Mulsanne Srl + 5.628
5 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 6.422
6 – Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 7.944
7 – Mehdi Bennani – Sébastian Loeb Racing + 8.484
8 – Nathanael Berthon – Comtoyou Racing + 19.927
9 – Luigi Ferrara – Mulsanne Srl + 20.396
10 – Aurélien Panis – Comtoyou Racing + 37.106
NC – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team
NC – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team

Gara 3 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 13 giri
1 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport 37:53.401
2 – Rob Huff – Sébastian Loeb Racing + 2.368
3 – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team +3.354
4 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +4.488
5 – Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 5.367
6 – Pepe Oriola – Campos Racing + 5.702
7 – Kevin Ceccon – Mulsanne Srl + 6.036
8 – Thed Björk – MRacing – YMR + 7.130
9 – Nathanael Berthon – Comtoyou Racing + 7.524
10 – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team + 8.220

1 – #30 Gabriele Tarquini ITA – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 306

2 – #48 Yvan Muller FRA – MRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 303
3 – #86 Esteban Guerrieri ARG – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt. 267
4 – #5 Norbert Michelisz HUN – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 246
5 – #69 Jean-Karl Vernay FRA – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team – AUDI – pt. 245
6 – #74 Pepe Oriola ESP – Campos Racing – CUPRA – pt. 245
7 – #11 Thed Björk SWE – MRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 242
8 – #12 Rob Huff GBR – Sébastien Loeb Racing – VOLKSWAGEN – pt. 242
9 – #22 Frédéric Vervisch BEL – Audi Sport Team Comtoyon – AUDI – pt. 228
5 – #68 Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt.204

1 – YMRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 562
2 – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 559
3 – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt. 481
4 – Sébastien Loeb Racing – VOLKSWAGEN – pt. 418
5 – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team – AUDI – pt. 381
6 – Audi Sport Team Comtoyou – AUDI – pt. 300
7 – Campos Racing – CUPRA – pt. 272
8 – DG Sport Competition – PEUGEOT – pt. 242
9 – ComtoyouRacing – AUDI – pt. 140
10 – Mulsanne Srl – ALFA ROMEO – pt. 140

Davide Colombano
BRC Gas Equipment
a Westport Fuel Systems company
T +39 0172 486645 |

A proposito di BRC Racing Team
BRC Racing Team è il reparto corse della BRC Gas Equipment.
Con una presenza in oltre 70 paesi del mondo ed un portafoglio clienti che annovera i principali costruttori di autovetture, BRC Gas Equipment è leader mondiale nella produzione di sistemi e componenti per la trasformazione di veicoli a Gpl e Metano. BRC Racing Team è un progetto integrato di R&D e Marketing, volto a promuovere il brand e l’immagine aziendale attraverso il Motorsport.

A proposito della Hyundai i30 N TCR
Annunciata nel febbraio 2017, la i30 N TCR rappresenta il primo passo di Hyundai Motorsport nel mondo delle gare su pista. Costruita e sviluppata nel reparto Customer Racing nella sede di Alzenau, in Germania, l’auto è basata sul modello i 30 N ad alte prestazioni. I lavori di progettazione sono iniziati nel settembre 2016 ed il primo test in pista ha avuto luogo nell’aprile 2017. Un programma di sviluppo completo che si è concluso con la vittoria della i30 N TCR nella sua prima gara in assoluto nelle TCR International Series sul circuito di Zhejiang in Cina. Hyundai Motorsport ha consegnato le prime auto ai team clienti nel dicembre 2017, a fronte della partecipazione nelle competizioni mondiali previste nel 2018.

A proposito di FIA World Touring Car Cup
Il WTCC (World Touring Car Cup) cambia le regole e il nome, e dal 2018 prende il via il FIA World Touring Car Cup (WTCR). Promosso da Eurosport Events, l’ente organizzativo dietro il WTCC, ed ereditando il regolamento tecnico del TCR (un concept più economico ed accessibile adottato dai costruttori tra cui Audi, Honda, Hyundai, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, SEAT e Volkswagen), il WTCR si svolgerà lungo più di 10 weekend nei quattro continenti, da aprile a novembre. Ogni evento consiste in tre gare e si svolgerà generalmente nell’arco di due giorni. Il primo giorno include una singola qualifica e una gara, mentre il secondo è più in linea con il precedente set-up del WTCC: una qualifica in tre fasi e due gare, la prima delle quali utilizza una griglia inversa. Verrà accettato un massimo di 26 partecipanti più due ulteriori jolly per ciascun evento. Anche se non saranno presenti squadre costruttrici, per le misure di riduzione dei costi, prenderanno il via diversi piloti di spicco del WTCC e di altre serie di vetture da turismo internazionali, con la prospettiva di gare estremamente coinvolgenti.

Gabriele Tarquini is FIA WTCR winner in 2018
BRC Racing Team driver captures title
After a season at the front of the FIA World Touring Car Cup (WTCR) field, Gabriele Tarquini won the drivers’ title 2018 and became the first to write his name in the history books of the category.

This success comes after a masterly year, which started with a victory in the opening race in Morocco. Four more wins followed in the season, keeping the Italian always amongst the leading drivers.

The well-deserved title comes on the famous Guia Circuit of the Race of Macau, at the end of an adrenaline-filled weekend, where the BRC Racing Team driver had to work hard, due to an incident in qualifying, which kept him from reaching the top positions for Races 2 and 3.

After a good fourth place in the first race of the weekend, Gabriele Tarquini was forced to retire in the second challenge. In the third, and decisive, race, the experience of the Italian driver made the difference, allowing him to control his pace and to score the necessary points for the victory.

The excellent job of team-mate Norbert Michelisz, with the third place in the final race of the season not only took precious points from Tarquini’s title rivals, but also scored another podium for the team as they clinched second in the teams’ standings, frustratingly only a handful of points away from taking both crowns.

This is the comment from the newly crowned Gabriele Tarquini: “It’s obviously a great feeling to be able to call myself the FIA WTCR winner. The races in Macau are always unpredictable, and this weekend was no exception, but happily it has ended on top for me. It has been a tough season in a very competitive championship, but today is a reward for all the hard work by everyone involved in the team. This is their championship as much as mine, especially after their effort to get the car ready for Race 3 today.”

Norbert Michelisz declares: “First, I am very happy for Gabriele. He has been great all season, and this was a great weekend for the team as well. I am very pleased to have finished the FIA WTCR season on the podium in Race 3. It’s the perfect way to end the season, and gives me a lot of motivation as we start the winter break and I look towards my plans for racing in 2019.”

Cherasco, 18 th November 2018

TARQUINI Gabriele, (ita), Hyundai i30 N TCR team BRC Racing, portrait during the 2018 FIA WTCR World Touring Car cup of Macau, Circuito da Guia, from november 15 to 18 – Photo Alexandre Guillaumot / DPPI

Race 1 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 10 laps
1 – Jean-Karl Vernay – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team 46:07.189
2 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +0.516
3 – Rob Huff – Sébastian Loeb Racing +0.881
4 – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team + 6.523
5 – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team + 8.488

6 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 9.297
7 – Pepe Oriola – Campos Racing + 9.923
8 – Timo Scheider – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 10.594
9 – Luigi Ferrara – Mulsanne Srl + 11.725
10 – Mato Homola –DG Sport Competition + 12.373

Race 2 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 8 laps
1 – Frédéric Vervisch – Audi Sport team Comtoyou 20:30.967
2 – Timo Scheider – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 1.713
3 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +2.131
4 – Kevin Ceccon – Mulsanne Srl + 5.628
5 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 6.422
6 – Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 7.944
7 – Mehdi Bennani – Sébastian Loeb Racing + 8.484
8 – Nathanael Berthon – Comtoyou Racing + 19.927
9 – Luigi Ferrara – Mulsanne Srl + 20.396
10 – Aurélien Panis – Comtoyou Racing + 37.106
NC – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team
NC – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team

Race 3 WTCR 2018 Race of Macau – Circuito da Guia – 13 laps
1 – Esteban Guerrieri – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport 37:53.401
2 – Rob Huff – Sébastian Loeb Racing + 2.368
3 – Norbert Michelisz – BRC Racing Team +3.354
4 – Yvan Muller – MRacing – YMR +4.488
5 – Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport + 5.367
6 – Pepe Oriola – Campos Racing + 5.702
7 – Kevin Ceccon – Mulsanne Srl + 6.036
8 – Thed Björk – MRacing – YMR + 7.130
9 – Nathanael Berthon – Comtoyou Racing + 7.524
10 – Gabriele Tarquini – BRC Racing Team + 8.220

1 – #30 Gabriele Tarquini ITA – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 306

2 – #48 Yvan Muller FRA – MRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 303
3 – #86 Esteban Guerrieri ARG – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt. 267
4 – #5 Norbert Michelisz HUN – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 246
5 – #69 Jean-Karl Vernay FRA – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team – AUDI – pt. 245
6 – #74 Pepe Oriola ESP – Campos Racing – CUPRA – pt. 245
7 – #11 Thed Björk SWE – MRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 242
8 – #12 Rob Huff GBR – Sébastien Loeb Racing – VOLKSWAGEN – pt. 242
9 – #22 Frédéric Vervisch BEL – Audi Sport Team Comtoyon – AUDI – pt. 228
5 – #68 Yvan Ehrlacher – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt.204

1 – YMRacing – HYUNDAI – pt. 562
2 – BRC Racing Team – HYUNDAI – pt. 559
3 – ALL-INKL.COM Münnich Motorsport – HONDA – pt. 481
4 – Sébastien Loeb Racing – VOLKSWAGEN – pt. 418
5 – Audi Sport Leopard Lukoil Team – AUDI – pt. 381
6 – Audi Sport Team Comtoyou – AUDI – pt. 300
7 – Campos Racing – CUPRA – pt. 272
8 – DG Sport Competition – PEUGEOT – pt. 242
9 – ComtoyouRacing – AUDI – pt. 140
10 – Mulsanne Srl – ALFA ROMEO – pt. 140

Davide Colombano
BRC Gas Equipment
a Westport Fuel Systems company
T +39 0172 486645 |

About BRC Racing Team
BRC Racing Team is the racing department of BRC Gas Equipment.
With a presence in over 70 countries in the world, and a customer portfolio that includes the major car manufacturers, BRC Gas Equipment is a world leader in the production of systems and components for LPG and CNG conversion of vehicles. BRC Racing Team is an integrated project of R&D and Marketing, aimed at promoting the brand and the corporate image through Motorsport.

About the Hyundai i30 N TCR
Announced in February 2017 the i30 N TCR represents Hyundai Motorsport’s first steps into circuit racing. Built and developed by the Customer Racing department at the team’s headquarters in Alzenau, Germany the car is based on Hyundai’s high-performance i30 N model. Design work for the project began in September 2016, with the first on track test taking place in April 2017. An exhaustive development schedule ended with the i30 N TCR taking victory in its very first race in the TCR International Series at the Zhejiang Raceway in China. Hyundai Motorsport delivered the first cars to customers in December 2017, with teams competing around the world during 2018.

About the FIA World Touring Car Cup
The World Touring Car Cup is running to new rules and a new name from 2018 as the FIA World Touring Car Cup (WTCR) hits the tracks. Promoted by Eurosport Events, the organisation behind the WTCC, and using the TCR technical regulations – a cheaper and more accessible concept embraced by manufacturers including Audi, Honda, Hyundai, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, SEAT and Volkswagen – WTCR will be contested over 10 weekends in four continents from April to November. Each event will consist of three races and will typically take place over two days. Day one includes a single qualifying and race, while day two is more in keeping with the previous WTCC set-up: a three-phase qualifying and two races with the first race utilising a reverse grid. A maximum of 26 entries will be accepted plus a further two wildcards at each event. Although there won’t be manufacturer teams under cost-cutting measures, several top drivers from the WTCC and other international touring car series are set to take part with the prospect of some extremely close and exciting racing.
